Friday, April 1, 2011


I have been terrible at keeping my blog updated. I feel like lots has happened but not much to write about. I have not even been taking any pictures. 
* We celebrated Christmas with Jake's family and had a great time. I love the holidays. I had a month off of school for the break and spent all of it in Twin Falls.
* Jake and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary
* I came back to Boise to finish my last semester of school!
* I moved in with a roommate to save money, since I am only in Boise 3 days a week. Its a little weird but helps out a ton financially and I get along with my roommate.
* Jake lost his job, They had to close the store.
* Jake has been looking for jobs like crazy. 
* Jake found a masters/teaching program in Chicago we are excited about. Jake had his first interview with them not we are waiting to find out if he gets a second interview. 
* I turned 24 a week ago. I always look forward to my birthday. My parents came to Boise and took my shopping the weekend before. Jake then came to Boise and spent the whole week with me!
* I have been on Spring Break this last week. It was a much needed break but I am ready to finish my last 5 weeks of school, and be back with Jake!

1 comment:

Katie said...

You need to put in there how you are going to come and visit us in Utah on your to do list:) Love you guys!