Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jake and I had a whole 11 days off of school for the Holiday, and we enjoyed every minute of it. It was nice spending a few days in Boise getting everything ready to go. We left on Wednesday afternoon and stayed in Twin Falls until Sunday night. We had fun being with the family. It is nice that my family and Jake's family live so close, that way we got to see everyone!
Before Jake and I left we thought we should bring a treat and let our families know how much we love them! So, I made Macaroons(and not because they are my favorite!)

I never knew what the big deal was about parchment paper, until now! It was love at first use!
I couldn't stop at just baking them...
So, I dipped them in chocoalte.

Everyone seemed to like the Marcaroons. Especially my mom she was trying to hide them in the cupboard so everyone would think they were gone.

Coleman and Pam thought it would be fun to run a 5K Thanksgiving morning. They race was in Burley at 9:00 am. It is a 45 minute drive from my parents house so we left about 7:30. We were all tired from staying up late the night before!
Cole and PamDerrick, Laci, and Dad
Everyone but mom
Everyone but Laci. And yes my dad did the race in jeans.
Jake, me, and dad.

We were complaining about the race because we were all so tired and it was FREEZING! We ended up having a great time. Jake came in first. Then Pam, me, Cole, Derrick, Dad, Mom Kenzie, and Laci. McKenzie was really sick with cold/cough but she was a great sport and walked it with Mom and Laci. I think everyone enjoyed it so much that we are planning on doing it again next year. The only one missing was Taylor, we all miss him so much!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. My mom set this beautiful table, as always.

And who doesn't like getting a chocolate on their plate?
We had yummy pies!

McKenzie, Grandma Spaulding, Mom
Jake, Me, Grandma, and mom
Pam, McKenzie, Cole
Dad and Grandpa
Dad and Grandma
My Grandma and Grandpa Spaulding came from Rexburg to have Thanksgiving. It was so much fun to have them around. We don't get to see them that often but when we do it is so enjoyable.
Mom had a great idea to sew aprons. She is modeling mine! They were a lot of work but such a fun project. Thanks mom!
I also got up at 3:30 a.m. on Black Friday to go shopping. I found some great deals and had a blast. Jake and I got a new computer and I got a sewing machine because mine wasn't working anymore. I also got stocking stuffers for me and Jake. It was well worth getting up early!
Other Things we did during the week was...
* Went to New Moon (LOVED IT)
*Girls night at Shari's all night restraunt
I had a great Thanksgiving break. I have so much to be thankful for. 1. A wonderful Husband 2. Eternal Marriage 3. Scriptures 4. Prayer 5. Family(siblings, in-laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles cousins) 6. The Gospel 7. Joseph Smith Prophet 9. Missionaries especially Taylor and Katie! 10. My Savior/ the atonement 11. a roof over my head 12. food 13. a job 14. warm bed 15. a working car 16. nieces and nephews(they belong in family but I love them so much they deserved their own number) 17. Temples 18. Home and Visiting Teachers 19. feeling the spirit 20. good books 21. working computers 22. cameras 23. ped eggs 24. hot showers 25. hot chocolate 26. snow 27. rain 28. sunshine 29. dishwasher 30. washer and drier in my apartment 31. cell phones 32. shoes 33. shampoo and conditioner 34. make up 35. finger nail polish 36. babies 37. doctors 38. technology 39. hot tubs 40. Thrift Stores 41. golf/ all sports 42. Family Home Evening 43. good movies 44. freedom 45. sense of humor 46. naps 47. Education 48. diet coke 49. blankets 50. good friends.


Teri said...

Nice list! Love it!

Happy Housewife said...

Lexie...your list is great. It's a lot harder than I thought coming up with things! And I'm impressed that your whole family did a 5K Thanksgiving morning. Way to go! All I did was eat, I wish I could say I ran. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks.