Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cupcake Addiction

Recently Jake and  I have been into making cupcakes.  I love looking up new recipes online and trying them out. The boys love taste testing them for me! 

 Jake made these green ones. They are Mt. Dew cupcakes. There is dew in the batter and in the frosting. They are very citrusy. I thought they were very delicious but Jake did not like them.

 One weekend Jake took some of the boys fishing and I was home with 2 of the boys. We decided to make mini cupcakes with different flavored frosting. That night when everyone go home we taste tested so see which flavor was the best.  We made coconut, cherry, strawberry, and raspberry. Strawberry won but if it was up to me and Jake coconut would have won!

vanilla cupcakes with raspberry frosting. 

1 comment:

Teri said...

I'll be your taste-tester! And holy smokes...that frosting looks P.R.O.fessional! What are you using?!